The Rocket Recruiter Compensation Plan

3 x 4 Fored Matrix

Fast Start Bonus Commissions (paid instantly):

These commissions are permanent. You will earn these Fast Start commissions every month that your personally sponsored members remain active, i.e. purchase the monthly Rocket Recruiter 500 Pack.

Matrix Commissions:

Total matrix payout when completely full: $15 + $45 + $135 + $4,050 = $4,245/month.

Matrix commissions are paid instantly.

RANKS and Matching Bonuses

Trainer: Be "active" with a monthly order and sponsor 0 - 2 Members

Earn all 4 levels of your matrix, as explained above. Income potential is $4,245/month.

Commander: Be "active" with a monthly order and Sponsor 3 - 5 Members

Earn all 4 levels of your matrix, as explained above, plus a 25% match of the matrix earnings of all personally sponsored members (see below). Income potential with 5 personally sponsored members who each fill their 3X4 matrix is $9,551.25/month ($4,245 + $5,306.25 in matching commissions).

Explorer: Be "active" with a monthly order and Sponsor 6 - 11 Members

Earn all 4 levels of your matrix, as explained above, plus a 25% match of the matrix earnings of all personally sponsored members, AND a 25% match on all second generation members (see below). As an Explorer, your income potential is unlimited because there is no limit to the number of members that can be personally sponsored.

Deep Space Explorer: Be "active" with a monthly order and Sponsor 12+ Members

Earn all 4 levels of your matrix, as explained above, plus a 25% match of the matrix earnings of all personally sponsored members, AND a 25% match on all second generation members, AND a 25% match on all third generation members (see below). As an Explorer, your income potential is unlimited because there is no limit to the number of members that can be personally sponsored.

Check Match Commissions when you Rank Up

Check match commissions are paid instantly. You reach a rank, and qualify for the check match commissions instantly and permanently as soon as you sponsor the required number of members.

EXAMPLES of check match payouts:

You sponsor 3 members and each of them earns $3,000 in their 3x4 matrix. 25% x $3,000 = $750. $750 X 3 = $2,250 earned on the match of the three members. This "match" is in addition to the earnings from your own 3x4 matrix!

Now let's say you sponsored 8 members and their matrix earnings are as follows:

1) Earns $4,200

2) Earns $3,800

3) Earns $2,600

4) Earns $1,550

5) Earns $870

6) Earns $530

7) Earns $120

8) Earns $20

You will earn a 25% match on ALL of them! This means you will earn 25% of the total matrix earnings of each of your 8 personally sponsored members. That would be $3,422.50 ($13,690 X 25%). In this example, because you are qualified as an "Explorer" with 6+ members personally sponsored, you would also earn a 25% match on your second generation (the people sponsored by your directly sponsored members). Let's say your 8 personally sponsored members sponsored a total of 28 members between them. You will earn a 25% matrix match on all 28 second generation members, even those who are below your fourth level! The matching bonus commissions on your second generation could easily be five figures monthly.

Once you personally sponsor 12 members, the third generation of match instantly kicks in! This adds serious rocket fuel to your income! The number of members you can match within three generations is unlimited. You could earn matching commissions on hundreds or even thousands of members!

Loyalty Rewards Bonus

We all know that the secret to earning serious income is to give it your best effort for at least 6 to 9 months. Staying focused, and being consistent will allow you to multiply your income. Many people "fail" in our industry simply because they give up too soon.

The Rocket Recruiter has a unique strategy to help all members stay active and get into profit. It's our "Loyalty Rewards Bonus." We know that it takes a concerted effort to get off the launching pad. But once you "lift off" you can accelerate to awesome speeds, and with consistent effort you can multiply your income to five or six figures a month. For some people (who take "massive action") this only takes days. But for most people it takes weeks or months.

We reward those members who are committed to success for at least six months, even if they don't sponsor a single member. Anyone who keeps their monthly autoship intact without interruption, for 6 months straight, will get a $100 bonus starting with the 6th autoship month and going through the 9th month autoship. This $100 bonus could potentially be earned for four months ($400 total). As an option, you can choose to have a new paid member placed into your matrix in the next available position, instead of the $100.

This bonus is not for the leaders, it is to help all members get into profit! It applies to those people who are not earning a minimum of $200/month in commissions after six months. This will boost the success and the incomes of ALL members in the entire company!

Here's how it works

Stay on autoship for 6 months without interruption. If you miss one month, your six month requirement starts over, however, you are given a free month so you only need to have five consecutive months of autoship orders after the missed month. Obviously, it is best to not miss a month, and it is up to you to pay attention and not miss a month!

In your 6th month, if you do not earn a minimum of $200 or more in commissions by the end of that month, you qualify for a $100 Loyalty Rewards Bonus, OR a free paid member placed in your group. The free paid member would generate an instant commission to you of $55 ($50 Fast Start + a $5 matrix commission).

In your 7th month, if you maintain your autoship, and you do not earn a minimum of $200 or more in commissions, you qualify for a $100 Loyalty Rewards Bonus, OR a free paid member placed in your group.

In your 8th month, if you maintain your autoship, and you do not earn a minimum of $200 or more in commissions, you qualify for a $100 Loyalty Rewards Bonus, OR a free paid member placed in your group.

In your 9th month, if you maintain your autoship, and you do not earn a minimum of $200 or more in commissions, you qualify for a $100 Loyalty Rewards Bonus, OR a free paid member placed in your group.

* After you qualify You must ask admin for your bonus or member.

This bonus is not available after the 9th month. The money to pay it comes directly from the small profit margin of the company. It is not economically feasible to pay it permanently. However, this unique bonus is a first in the industry, and it’s a huge boost for the average person. The strategy here is twofold:

1. This gives all members a huge incentive to focus on being active and consistent for at least nine months. This benefits everyone. We reward all members who are committed to success, even if they have a hard time sponsoring members, and even if they don’t rise up the ranks.

2. During the four months of Loyalty Rewards Bonuses (months 6, 7, 8 and 9), if you are qualified for the bonus, each month you can choose either $100 or a free paid member placed in your group. By your tenth month we know that many of the members who received Loyalty Rewards Bonuses will be in profit! With a higher percentage of members getting into profit, everyone earns more money!

NOTE: We as a company make zero guarantees of income. Results and income vary depending on individual efforts.

Quick Recap:

3 x 4 Fored Matrix

Fast Start Bonus:

Matrix payouts:

Total matrix payout per complete 3x4 matrix: $15 + $45 + $135 + $4050 = $4245/mo

Check match payouts:

Example of check match payout with 3 personally sponsored members, who each fill their 3x4 matrix: 3 x (25% x $4245) = $3,183.75/mo

You were referred by: Steven Stafford.  Questions? Email Steven at: or call Steven at: 14176604157

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